
Tango Nuevo: Gustavo Naveira - Giselle Anne, Chicho Frumboli - Eugenia Parilla, Sebastian Arce - Mariana Montes
Traditional tango, vals and milonga with Jorge Asprelli, El Pibe Palermo and Los Dinzel in Buenos Aires (90/95)
Theatre-ballet with Silvia Wladimivsky (85)
Theatre-miming and performance with Miguel Garzòn (83/86)
Classic ballet with Carmelo Scaramozzino (83/86)
Contemporary ballet with Ricardo Belloni and Margarita Bali (84/86)
Singing with Elisabeth Dolinska (86)
Classic theatre with Guillermo ben Hassan (83/86) Methods: Delacroix, Limon, Graham, Cunhingan, Stanivslasky, Grotovsky and Italian singing technique

Invited by the National University of Mexico to participate in the Classic Ballet atelier directed by Gloria Contreras (95)



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